Today marks the wedding anniversary to my dear husband of 31 years, who happens to be out of town.
My thoughtful hubby had a package delivered which he wanted me to open first thing this morning.
Yessss! A new “Super Giant Print” Bible – a perfect gift and just what my aging eyeballs needed!

He gave me this mini one when our daughter was born so I could easily tuck it inside the diaper bag – that was 25 years ago.
It’s gonna be hard to retire it as I’ve grown attached to the layers of tape that hold the cover together. But the hardest part is letting go of the scribbled notes I’ve written in the margins these many years.
The kids always joke that when I die, the one thing they’ll fight for is who gets mom’s Bible.
This is because I’ve filled the margins with prayers and stories of how God has carried our family through specific situations.
So today I read my new Bible during my morning quiet time.
This precious Bible which, God willing, will carry me through the next 25 years into old age.
25 years from now will make me 80 years old.
I’d better start filling up the margins while I can still hold a pen – I’ve got a sibling dispute to thwart!