As a little girl, Dad’s mantle clock was a thing of mystery; perched high in our living room; always out of reach and NEVER allowed to be touched.

As a little girl, Dad’s mantle clock was a thing of mystery; perched high in our living room; always out of reach and NEVER allowed to be touched.
It’s rare that I have leftover coffee in the morning – but when I do, I freeze it.
It was my first experience on the stage; and at 53 years old, I didn’t quite know what to expect…
Well, I did it. I went swimming yesterday with my friend, Lisa – a first for me in about two decades. [I can’t hear your applause from here…would you mind clapping a little louder please?] Once I got over the embarrassment of having to wear a smelly old bathing suit and got in the water, …
I joined the YMCA in January and haven’t gone yet. My friend, Lisa goes every day and tries to motivate me. Today it worked. We’re going swimming. I hate to swim. I used to love it when I was younger and when Lycra was my friend, but not so much anymore. I looked everywhere for …
I was cleaning and organizing my craft room and found a paper bag full of a collection of rocks. Most folks would probably see this rock collection as ho-hum and ordinary. This sentimental mom, however, saw them as precious reminders of when my kids were little and full of curiosity and wonder. So what …
I took a road trip this weekend and picked up a traveling companion on my way home. When I bought my little buddy, the cashier at the antique mall asked if I collected dolls, I laughed and said, “Oh honey, if you only knew.” No, I don’t really collect dolls, I acquire them to scare …
This is my next project. This lonely place in my yard that is in desperate need of attention. – Ha! You thought I was gonna tell you about these rusty chairs, didn’t you? Yes, this eye sore in my yard has been ignored for far too long and it’s time to deal with it. I’ve …
It’s not a collection that I talk about very often because I don’t want to be put into the “weirdo” category from the get-go.
I didn’t set out to start a BOWLING BALL collection – honest. I only wanted a few to make my I Spy Garden look a little sillier. You know, like random giant Willy Wonka lollipops growing out of the ground. Now I’m the proud owner of 30 of these babies. Some are given …